Arthur Russell Birthday Disco

Arthur Russell would have been 65 in May 2016. Since his untimely death in 1992, a series of reissues and compilations has cemented his reputation as a cross-genre pioneer - the missing link between New York minimalism and Studio 54. The AR birthday disco is a celebration of his work. Will Montgomery will play a dance set based on Russell's Sleeping Bag-era disco material - classics such as "Is it All over my Face?", "Go Bang" and "Let's Go Swimming". His mix will also feature sampled and processed material drawn from Russell's cello ballads, and from concert-hall works such as Tower of Meaning and Instrumentals.

Will Montgomery wrote regularly for the Wire for 20 years from the early 90s, specialising in improv and electronic music. He has released his own music and soundworks on labels including Entr'acte, Winds Measure, Organized Music from Thessaloniki and Cathnor.


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