Grizzly Bear, Edan, Fuck Buttons confirmed + News on other Offers, Buses, 2 berth chalets

Wednesday 8th April, 2009

Okay sorry for the delay, but getting bands to confirm from your list has proved to be a big task. We've been approaching them all but unfortunately nearly everyone is unavailable or doing either touring or recording. However

Fuck Buttons

have confirmed from the vote, and we currently have offers out to Autechre and Gang Gang Dance as well as Passion Pit, who were chosen by Sophie who won the intro competition.

We're very happy to announce that one of the bands we thought were unavailable have now joined our side of the lineup:

Grizzly Bear

And they're joined by a DJ set from the wonderful


Tickets are on sale now from this link.

We actually still have a handful of 2 berth chalets available, if you definitely want one email us at with FANS 2 BERTH BUY in the subject; you will have 24 hours once we give you confirmation to make your payment.


We're waiting on the Taunton-Minehead bus information from the people who arrange them and we should have that up within the next week.

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